m1-credit-card-swivel 2.gif

M1: Product launch

Launching a credit card

From March to September 2021, my team at M1 worked nonstop to create an exciting campaign to launch a brand-new credit card. I started from the basics, designing different options for the card itself, creating a messaging guide, and designing the package that it would be delivered with.


Then came the next question: How do we get people excited about this card? M1 has quite a few hardcore fans, so we wanted to have a little fun with them. We asked them, “what do you think is coming?” This created a lot of chatter on M1’s social profiles and let us grow a waitlist of 80,000+ throughout the campaign.

Note: This video was created by our video production agency. I prepared the creative brief for the video and gave creative edits throughout the process.


I hired a 3D motion freelancer to create some looping animations we could use throughout the campaign. With my vision and her Blender skills, we made these:

And when we finally broke the silence on what our big secret was, we put those animations to use throughout the website, emails, and social ads:

Credit card website page

Email sent to M1 clients asking them to join the waitlist for the launch.

Email sent to M1 clients after credit approval.


We also had the opportunity to shoot a video. For this one, I wrote the creative brief and worked with the agency to hone in on a script and storyboard. 

I loved this campaign because I got to be very hands-on for it. From beginning to end, I was behind the screen designing different elements, but I also managed several other people and agencies to create all the deliverables for the launch.